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This site presents you with Internet's largest collection of photographic close-ups and aircraft walkaround links. The archive consists of photographic walkarounds, which currently cover 250 AIRCRAFT TYPES in 6.000 PHOTOGRAPHS. Additionally you will find an index of some 2.750+ LINKS to other aircraft walkarounds on the Internet.
Latest update: February 21, 2006
This is the place for detailed looks at all kinds of aircraft all from the very beginning of manned flight till the Joint Strike Fighter of tomorrow.
You can publish your own walkarounds at this site.If you think that you may have
interesting/useful pictures that
would fit on this page, please
let me know.Remember that you keep the copyright of your own pictures; I will just publish them here.
Please send only JPG or GIF format.
All pictures on this site are
copyright of Robert Lundin,
unless otherwise stated,
and are intended for your
private enjoyment only.
For all other purposes contact
me by e-mail: CopyrightDISCLAIMER
All pictures on this site are
intended as a free contribution
to any who has interest in aircraft
for one or another reason. Period.
No political, religeous or -ism
statement or stance is intended
to any extent whatsoever. I just
hope you enjoy the 'slide-show'.